Infused with a spirit of creativity and fun, The Dianna Rae Experience maintains a high level of design incorporating inspiration boards, hand sketches, computer-aided design areas and 3D printing. Every possible part of the showroom was custom designed. A window also allows guests to see into the workshop and manufacturing technology area. We call it “Jewelry Theater”.
Something we are really excited about doing this year is bringing you along our journey of the creative process. This video is a look inside of the creativity of what we do and how much fun it is!
Every year after we visit the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show, we gather and work for a week on new designs for the year. We design jewelry around the gemstones using a special CAD design software for jewelry. We will be showing you some of the renders once they are complete. Next, we 3D-print each piece and get them cast! The last step is setting the diamonds and gemstones and then add any other special finishes. The end result is a one-of-a-kind Dianna Rae Original.
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