Faith + Jerry

Tell us how you met.

The two of us actually went to same school, grew up in the same small town our whole lives. We hung around the same people, but never officially met and introduced each other until my senior year of high school. So weird how your person can be in the same small town for 18+ years, and you don’t even know it! Crazy how life works out! 

Tell the story of your proposal.

On April 20, 2024, after 6 long years, Jerry asked me to marry him. He had every one in on it.
I actually babysit for our amazing photographer, Donna Coulon, the owner of Evermore Stories, who helped capture the most amazing moment. Her and Jerry worked together to scheme up a plan to surprise me. They had agreed on one that they knew I would fall for. Early that week, I think it was the Tuesday, Jerry told me that him and I would go on a date that Saturday. Well on the Thursday of that week, Donna calls me asking me to babysit the boys on Saturday. She tells me that the boys would be with their aunt and she was taking them to jungle gardens in New Iberia and that I would have to meet them there and bring them back to Lafayette. I knew Jerry and I already had a date planned, but obviously Jerry knew this phone call was apart of the plan so he jumps in the conversation and says that we can just change our date to go spend the afternoon at jungle gardens and then pick up the boys there afterwards. Everything was planned and set. Except Donna and Jerry both knew that if Donna would be the one to be there to capture the proposal they were taking the chance that I would see her and it would spoil it. So Donna actually hired another photographer to be their to capture the moment, Mr.Johnathon. (So funny, because moments before Jerry got on one knee, I took a picture of him with our photographer hiding behind a tree in the background and I didn’t notice until I looked back at all the pictures!)
So we made it to jungle gardens and I had never been, but had seen pictures online. The whole way there and while we were there, I kept telling Jerry I wanted to go to this stone bridge they had to get a cute picture of us together. Well, turns out that is where our photographer was waiting for us and where Jerry asked me to marry him. He got down on one knee and I was in complete shock. The moment I have been talking about for forever was finally happening! It was the sweetest moment that I will cherish forever! We had a good 50 minute drive back home to take it all in and for him to give me all the details, and I loved hearing every second of it. We facetimed all of our friends and they were equally as excited as us. When we got home, we had the sweetest welcome from all of our family and friends! It truly could not have been a better day!

Tell us about the ring!

We tried of ring and ring at place after place. The ring I chose was nothing like the ring I imagined myself getting. I fell in love with my ring because of how different it was. I had not seen anything like it. My most favorite part about my ring are the halo diamonds that circle the main oval shaped diamond. I knew from the second I saw it in the case that it was my ring!


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