Hannah + Avery

Tell us how you met.

We knew each other long before we ever dated! The first time I met Avery, I watched him wakeboard with one arm in a sling fresh out of shoulder surgery. That day I actually thought to myself “he’s crazy, I would hate to be his girlfriend”. Well, 7 years later we crossed paths again and caught up with one another. I immediately realized that the daredevil I knew had grown up to be a hardworking, mature guy that liked cooking and a glass of wine even more than I do. Soon after that day, we started hanging out and slowly realized that we were perfect opposites for each other. His drive and spontaneity balanced my calm and over preparedness. He taught me how to stand up for myself instead of staying quiet, and I like to think I taught him to be patient. He may still be a little bit of a daredevil, but he is also so determined, loves with his whole heart, tears up the dance floor, and cooks like a chef.

Tell the story of your proposal.

We like to say that we fell in love over a bottle of wine, so after a year of dating we decided to take a trip to the vineyards in Fredericksburg. On the first day of our trip, Avery pointed out a cardinal to me because he knows that I see them as a sign from loved ones that have passed. About an hour later Avery proposed in an underground wine cellar at Slate Theory. I never saw the cardinal that he pointed out, but he later told me that he took it as a sign from heaven blessing our engagement. He also hid the ring at his parents’ house because he swears that if he had it for too long he would’ve given it to me after work one day because he couldn’t wait any longer. I fully believe that because even though I didn’t know when he would do it, I knew that there was a ring long before our trip. Avery came home from designing my ring at Dianna Rae so excited that he couldn’t wait to tell me about his experience and how amazing their team is! That’s one of the things I love about him. He loves to share his excitement with me and can’t stand to keep anything a secret between us.

Tell us about the ring!

I love how timeless and elegant my ring is! My only request was an emerald cut center stone, and Avery knocked it out of the park. In Avery’s words “it’s classy just like you”. The simple design goes perfectly with his great grandmother’s wedding bands that Dianna Rae also restored for us.

Tell us about the wedding!

We are getting married in May of 2025 in our hometown, New Iberia, LA. We cannot for our wedding! Avery has been more involved in the planning process than most grooms and it’s made the process so much more fun! We’ve loved finding ways to incorporate personal touches and our own non-traditional elements into the wedding.

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